Experiential Learning Tours

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
- Confucius 孔丘

Our experience traveling with sports groups over the years has provided many valuable insights.  Among  the most positive is to witness the interactions with foreign cultures that take place away from the competitions and practices. The increased awareness and appreciation for other cultures and the wider world in general remains intact far longer than the athletic skills that may have brought the group together in the first place. Life lessons are learned, horizons broadened, citizens of the world created.

We are pleased now to take another step as we offer educational tours for students and teachers, based on the concept of experiential learning. East-West Global Experiential Learning Tours build upon the notion that students learn best when they are actively engaged in interesting, exciting and relevant activities. Opportunities for learning abound, ranging from attending classes in a foreign country, service learning projects in underdeveloped countries, to deeper missions that tie classroom content to real-world experiences.

Our mission statement is to connect what is being taught in the classroom to the lives and consciousness of students by providing appropriate, hands-on experiences. These experiences are brought about by traveling to the places in the world where important events have taken place, where different cultures can be experienced, and important sights can be seen. Pertinent information will be connected by a tour curriculum, key facts and points emphasized by professional guides, local experts and teachers.

The Experiential Learning Tours are developed and overseen by James Furth, one of this country’s most experienced and successful tour operators. Mr. Furth holds a Masters Degree in Education and is currently the President of East-West Global Travel, one of the country’s leading tour operation businesses. After spending nearly three decades planning, organizing and leading sports tours for high school aged athletes to all corners of the globe, Furth is expanding his vision to offer a new opportunity for students and teachers. James Furth is uniquely qualified and experienced to bring Experiential Learning Tours to you.

If you are interested in learning more about this program, or if you’d like an Experiential Learning Tour customized to fit your group’s needs and wishes, please contact us.
